
SEO Agency

We're a professional SEO agency based in Austin, TX.

Attract the most profitable customers with search engine optimization services geared toward performance and growth.

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Want to get on the first page of Google?

Your website may be dazzling and your content may be unique, but it’s meaningless if no one can find it.

That’s how I think about search engine optimization: it’s about visibility. And it’s all about page one — because the best place to hide a body is page two of Google. And why would you want to do that?

This is how.

What is SEO?

From directions to the nearest coffee shop to products and services you need, search engine optimization helps connect consumers to businesses online. Did you know that more than one trillion searches are done on Google annually? That works out to be about 5 billion a day.

That’s why you don’t get a list of fifty coffee shops when craving an espresso! It wouldn’t be helpful to have too many choices. When you really just want to find up to three of your best options. 

That is the way the Google 3-Pack works! Whether you are searching on your smartphone, tablet, or desktop, you will get the top three recommendations. And sometimes (in larger markets) a few more. 

If your business is featured on the Google 3-Pack for relevant search, prepare for a stampede of customers. Naturally, every company wants to be in the Google 3-Pack. Or at least in the top ten for your immediate area (if you have a brick-and-mortar location).



Why Does Search Engine Optimization Matter?

Placing your business in the Google 3-Pack can happen with the right plan and advertising budget. But it takes offensive strategy and defensive tactics to stay there long-term. And be among the first businesses recommended by Google to your customers. 

Have you ever looked at page three of Google search results? Not many people do. But when it comes to page one or two of search results, it makes a big difference in driving  traffic to your door or e-commerce website. 

You’d be surprised how much time and expense your biggest competitors are spending to win the battle for Google search. And in some cases, competitors may be applying negative SEO or “Black Hat” tactics to suppress and poach your most valuable search terms. It happens daily, and business owners don’t know about it. 


My SEO Strategy

Were you approached by a professional who said they could fix your SEO? Offer a single service and solve all your problems while turning on new traffic flow to your website? That should be a red flag for any business owner. 

That is because search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t a single activity. Nor is it something you can do once and walk away from it. If you don’t have a maintenance plan, even the best search engine rank and results will fall over time, especially if your competitors work every month to knock your business out of top search results. 

Search engine optimization is an ongoing practice. And good SEO means staying up to date on changes to search algorithms. Every time Google releases an update, our SEO team is working ahead and diagnosing how the new update could impact the businesses we serve. Then we create a plan to protect your rank and website traffic. 


Five Steps to Maintaining Good Search Results 

Our SEO team at Matt Kundo Digital Marketing is competitive and likes to win. They are the people reading about a change in search algorithms or Google updates months before they even happen. And evaluating your web properties to determine what changes will be required to sustain your rank and customer traffic. 

Right now, our team is focused on delivering quality SEO results by focusing on these five priorities:

  1. Core Web Vitals: Google updated its ranking algorithm in June 2021. Three main factors determine how well your website performs or ranks in Google search; Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. And recently, Google announced that only the first 15 megabytes of each page would be crawled for search ranking. That changes everything.
  2. Page Load Speed: Faster websites rank higher. That means working to make sure images are compressed and loading quickly. And redundant pages are eliminated by streamlining your sitemap. 
  3. Mobile-Friendliness: In 2021, over 54% of website traffic originated from smartphones. Each page of your website has to be optimized to look good and navigate well on desktops, tablets, and, most importantly, mobile devices. 
  4. User Experience & Navigation: When customers visit your website, they are there for a purpose. To learn more about your products or services and to find solutions to a problem or need they have. Engagement and conversions happen when you make that fast and easy for your customers to see. This is where our UI/UX team gets to work with expert recommendations. 
  5. E-A-T Content: E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Google sets a high-quality standard for content and rewards websites that provide it by elevating the business in search results.  Every piece of content on your website should be valuable to your target market and audience. And the information they find should be accurate. 

Our methods for achieving (and maintaining) good SEO for businesses include:

  • Technical SEO: If your website is challenging to navigate on a mobile device, not only are you missing out on visitor engagement and conversions, your site will be ranked lower in Google search. We use expert tools to gain insights into the performance of your website to fix problems that impact UX (user experience) and SERPs. 
  • On-Site SEO: Did you know that almost every element, graphic, and content on your website can be optimized to increase customer traffic? We diagnose the opportunities to use keywords, voice search, and other tags to improve your search engine results. And help more customers find your business. 
  • Content Optimization: Some pages on your website may perform well, while others may have turned into a ghost town for online traffic. Content optimization involves preserving high converting pages and removing (or retooling) content so that it works harder to generate results. Learn more about our Content Marketing services.
  • Diagnostics: Analysis (and reporting) of negative SEO that may be weighing against your SERPs. Competitors don’t always play fair. We’ll help you figure out if there is a problem. 


How-To Measure SEO


If you have a great website and search engine optimization activities are conducted monthly, you can expect increased website traffic. But making more people visit your website won’t make you more money based on traffic alone. Conversions (or customers that buy) are what matter most. 

Quality of Traffic

You don’t want to drive every B2B customer or consumer to your website. The best quality traffic happens when you have an SEO and content strategy that sends the right customers to your business. With the highest probability of a sales conversion. 

This is where our SEO experts offer the most benefit, delivering results by understanding your buyer persona and their purchase motivation. We then use targeted keywords to help those customers find your business online. 

Quantity of Traffic

To increase conversions (or sales), your website has to draw new audiences effectively. And Also, give past or existing customers a reason to return to your sales or lead funnels. We develop unique targeting strategies using White Hat SEO methods to increase website traffic and introduce your business to new customers. 

Organic Results

How do you get more organic traffic without advertising spend? Ask us about business directory listings and other organic backlink-building opportunities. 


Making Your Business Show Up in Search 

In 2022, it takes Googlebots about 3-4 weeks to completely crawl your website as a quality control check. And while Googlebots are busy evaluating your new or updated website, they  submit that data to the index and then recalculate your search ranking. 

Your website can be optimized when you know what Google and other search engines are looking for (depending on your niche or industry). So that your business attracts the customers that are looking for your goods or services. 

Our results-driven approach to search engine optimization (SEO) includes:

Keyword Research

Keywords and search strings (multiple keywords in sequence) are researched and strategically placed. They have a significant impact on where your website will fall in a search engine’s results.

Conversational keywords are also important. That is optimizing your website for voice searches. Since more than 54% of website traffic comes from mobile devices, we ensure your website contains unique voice search terms to boost traffic. 

On-Site SEO Optimization

Imagine that Google and other search engines like Bing determine search ranking (and how much traffic they refer to your business) based on a checklist. That is how on-site SEO works. And we ensure that the essentials are met to activate crowdsourcing of your target audience. 

Our on-site SEO services include: 
  • Title Tags
  • Meta Description
  • Alternative Text on Images
  • Content
  • Schema
  • Robots.txt
  • Page Speed
  • Domains
  • Slugs
  • Redirections

One of the best things about working with Matt Kundo Digital Marketing is that we are transparent about each phase of our work. And share the exciting results of the changes we’ve made to your website.

Content Creation & Display

If adding a lot of content to a website guaranteed results, every business would be on page one of a Google search. But creating effective content means staying ahead of the next Google update to ensure your content continues to rank and draw traffic. 

Content strategy is key to successful search engine optimization (SEO). That includes evaluating, monitoring, and revising content regularly to support traffic growth and conversions.

  • Long-Form Content: One of the questions we are frequently asked by business owners is how many blogs they should be adding monthly. Some studies suggest that publishing three (3) articles per week of 1,200 words or more may boost your overall web traffic by 3x. 

Keywords and search strings (two or more sequential keywords) and the length of your content weigh heavily in Google indexing. In your favor, if you invest in content development monthly. 

  • Duplicate Content: When you have content snippets from other pages performing well, you may be tempted to use the same content on another page of your website. 

Google and other search engines crawl for duplicate content. And your website can be penalized in search as a result. That includes everything from landing page copy to product descriptions. 

  • Refreshed Content: What are some of your top traffic web pages or blogs? There are benefits to going back and editing with SEO content updates. That way, those pages can generate even more traffic and conversions. 
  • Content Display: We have our proven recipe for making content crawlable and hitting those high page scores with Google bots. For instance, specific content formats like frequently asked questions (FAQs) or instructional “how-to” formats. 
Off-Page Optimization

How many inbound links do you have on your website? That is a hyperlink to your website from another domain. That provides a vital SEO boost, and backlinks help gain new traffic to your website. 

  • Evaluating Existing Backlinks: Do you have several poor-quality backlinks? It’s common for some SEO providers to add any links without making sure they offer a benefit to your website. Removing any backlinks that damage your website’s credibility, search value, or traffic is essential. 
  • Researching Quality Backlinks: We have resources to quickly identify the best websites that accept backlink opportunities. This can be done by various White Hat methods, including guest blogs and other effective strategies. 

In addition to ensuring your website provides good UX (user experience) and relevant information, there are other opportunities to structurally design quality SEO to optimize your results. 

  • Linking Domains: Google and other search engines like to see quality backlinks from different domains. If you have multiple inbound links from the same website, search engines count it as a single domain instead. And they don’t like to see too many backlinks from the same root domain. They consider it cheating.
  • Link Type Diversity for SEO: Researching the best backlink opportunities for your website matters. When we implement our backlink strategy, we diversify the types of websites we choose for the best results. That includes mixing up the domain rating (DR) value of websites. 
  • Contextual Links: Some backlinks placed within the body text of structured paragraph content perform better than links from banners and other elements. And internal linking also matters when you want to get your customers to the highest conversion pages on your website. 

Start with a website evaluation to learn more about your current traffic, and check for existing penalties and concerns. Our team will provide a comprehensive SEO report and recommendations to suit your budget. 

Not sure where to get started?

Send me a note, and we'll figure it out.

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An SEO Agency you can trust.

Successful companies have effective SEO marketing solutions putting them on the map. Matt Kundo Digital Marketing is a local SEO agency that understands how these solutions work, and we are ready to apply that knowledge to help you grow your business!

What you get.

Technical SEO Audit

On-Page SEO

Content SEO

Off-Page SEO

My SEO approach

I Look at the Big Picture - And Every Little Detail

With each update, search engine algorithms get more sophisticated, which means every detail matters. We build comprehensive SEO strategies for our clients nationally and beyond, which include all of the following:


The first step is always to determine the lay of the land. Not only with your website but also with your competitors and the search market at large. My SEO Analysis focuses on creating an SEO Growth Map.

  • Technical Audit
  • Keyword GAP Analysis
  • Backlink GAP Analysis
  • Keyword Research
  • Existing Content Audit

I can do the heavy lifting, making the changes to your website that will increase your business’s visibility in search engines and win you more organic leads.

  • Landing Page Development
  • On-Page Optimization
  • Media Optimization
  • Backlink Profile Sanitization
Ongoing Growth

Optimize your organic strategy to grow your conversion rates. Together we figure out what works and what doesn’t work.

  • Content Marketing
  • Content Calendar
  • Blog Writing
  • Link Building

A fantastic website is useless if nobody ever sees it.

Successful companies have effective SEO marketing solutions putting them on the map. Matt Kundo Digital Marketing is a local SEO agency that understands how these solutions work, and we are ready to apply that knowledge to help you grow your business!

We have been helping businesses in Austin, Texas break into the frontlines of their respective industries since 2016. Our digital marketing solutions are intuitive, ensuring that we meet your organization’s unique needs.

Our SEO services company offers a wide range of digital marketing solutions. Count on us to have the tools, resources, and people to complete any job. Browse our services and get in touch to discuss your goals!

"I'm very happy with the [SEO] work Mateusz has done for us, and will be using him again!"
Mac Macintosh
"Matt Kundo Digital Marketing did an incredible job lifting our online visibility through a targeted SEO content marketing and link-building campaign. Not only for my own agency but also for my clients."
Steven Black
Beyond Digital Marketing
"Mateusz worked closely and diligently with me to create an ad campaign for my psychotherapy practice. Due to unforeseen limitations imposed by Google, the ad campaign turned out to be more complex and ultimately unsuccessful. I believe that Mateusz did the best he could to navigate these limitations and attempted to come up with creative workarounds. His communication was excellent and I learned a lot from him. I would certainly consider working with him in the future."
Jennifer Fernández PhD
Power Over Additction

What I'm writing about SEO-wise these days.

My SEO Strategy

Are you looking to improve your company’s SEO content? This guide explains why your business should hire our SEO agency.

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