Digital Advertising

LinkedIn Ads

Reach business professionals on LinkedIn with paid campaigns that engage, attract, and convert. Delivered targeted ads to users based on their job title, industry, location, and more.

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LinkedIn Ads Services

LinkedIn has over 500 million users, of which 250 million are active monthly. The goal of LinkedIn advertising is using targeted ads to increase your website’s ability to be found by users who are searching on LinkedIn for businesses offering similar products to yours.

Are LinkedIn Ads Right for Your Business?


If you are not getting the results you want from other types of advertising, it may be time to explore LinkedIn Ads.  But is LinkedIn a good place to spend some of your advertising budget?  It depends on the products or services you are providing.  But for millions of businesses, LinkedIn Ads provide value for marketing strategies.

Whether you need to create a LinkedIn Company page, or you would like to expand your marketing efforts, you can make page on LinkedIn provide leads, connections, and boost sales opportunities. 


Do LinkedIn Ads Work Better Than Google Ads?


Two of the most powerful online advertising tools are LinkedIn, and Google Ads.  But many people wonder if LinkedIn Ads will work better than Google Ads, to help them generate new customers. 

The Google Merchant Center has many tools that are effective at selling products, and services.  Often Google Ads do a better job of selling lower cost retail goods, through Display Ads.  Whereas LinkedIn Ads can connect you to organizational decision makers, for higher priced goods or services. 


Setting a Budget for LinkedIn Ads


Did you know that you can start advertising on LinkedIn for a small campaign spend? In fact, the minimum amount of spend needed for a LinkedIn advertisement is only ten dollars.  You can easily set up a LinkedIn Ads account for business to business (B2B company) or consumer (B2C) advertising, and get started.

Anyone can place a LinkedIn Ad, and get it rolling.  But to get results, you need help creating the best and most effective advertisement for your business.  Because you are competing with every other business who is looking for customers on LinkedIn. 

The amount that you spend on LinkedIn Ads will depend on your budget, and goals. There are tools that can cap the maximum amount of money each campaign will cost, to help you stick to your budget.  

If an advertising campaign is working well, you can also add more budget to continue to get results. Sequential campaigns (from 3-5 variations of an advertisement) have been shown to be effective based on the “5-Touch Rule”.  Which means the average person will remember, and respond to an advertisement they have seen at least three to five times. 


Choosing the Right Type of LinkedIn Ad


From strategy to creative production, Matt Kundo Digital Marketing helps enterprise organizations and small business develop high-converting LinkedIn Ads campaigns. It all starts with knowing what type of Linkedin advertisements work best for your niche and audience. 

With A/B testing, Matt Kundo Digital Marketing can determine the style, and type of LinkedIn Ads that provide the best results for your objectives.  Whether that is driving traffic to your website, growing followers on LinkedIn, lead generation, or building your list of email subscribers.  With the goal of expanding brand awareness, and selling more goods or services. 

There are eleven different types or styles of LinkedIn advertisements for products or services:

  • Carousel Ads
  • Conversation Ads
  • Follower Ads
  • Spotlight Ads
  • Lead Gen Forms
  • Message Ads
  • Single Image Ads
  • Text Ads
  • Video Ads
  • Dynamic Ads

With LinkedIn advertising you can introduce your business, and start building relationships with prospective customers. And reach those customers with customized, targeted campaigns.


What Type of LinkedIn Ad Works Best?


Sponsored Content is the LinkedIn Ad format that is considered to be the most effective.  That is because it doesn’t look like a conventional advertisement. Instead, it boosts a piece of content (such as an informative blog post), and sends it to your target audience.  With a call to action (CTA) that makes it easy for the prospect to contact you to learn more. 


Defining Your LinkedIn Advertising Audience 


Choosing the right type of LinkedIn Ad for your product or service is just the start.  You have to be strategic about your target audience.  That is collecting information about what your prospective B2B transactions or consumer customers find interesting. 

Spending money on LinkedIn Ads without getting engagement? It can take years of experience to understand what works on the world’s largest business network.  The average consumer sees over 5,000 advertisements per day.  A campaign manager with experience, and creativity can design LinkedIn Ads that customers will respond to. 

Every day, businesses and consumers are looking for products, and services they need. LinkedIn advertising makes it easy to introduce your business, and utilize data that can help you get better results. 


Targeting Your LinkedIn Audience


There are a variety of tools that allow advertisers to narrow down the results. That means delivering your LinkedIn Ads to people who are looking for your products or services. Matched Audiences uses analytics (data) from your LinkedIn Company Page to target advertisements based on interests, geographic location, age, job title, company size, industry, and more. 

Using the Matched Audiences tools, targeting, and LinkedIn retargeting campaigns can be created to improve your advertising conversions.  Both organizations, and individuals can be strategically targeted for best results. 


Get Our LinkedIn Ads Experts Working For You


Make the most of your LinkedIn advertising budget with Matt Kundo Digital Marketing digital advertising experts. Our team has the experience to build effective campaigns that get results. And we provide transparent reporting so that you understand how well your LinkedIn Ads are working to grow your business.

Not sure where to get started?

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How we can help.

Matt Kundo Digital Marketing is ready to launch your LinkedIn Ads campaign. See our LinkedIn Ads Services below.

What you get.

Campaign Setup

Custom Audiences

Ad Types


What our clients are saying.