
Website Management

Get expert monitoring and maintenance. And the peace of mind knowing your website is secure and protected.

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Website Management Services (WMS)

Some businesses don’t have time to maintain and manage their website properly.  From security patches to updating plugins and everything in between, it pays to have your website managed by the pros. 


Get expert monitoring and maintenance. And the peace of mind knowing your website is secure and protected.  Gain insights with advanced reporting of your website traffic and backlink growth with Matt Kundo Digital Marketing Website Management Services. 

Boost Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engines assign a quality rank to every website they crawl for data.  Googlebots, for instance, look at various criteria to determine which website makes it to page one of the search and where your customers are. 

Search engines can blacklist websites for many reasons.  You may see your ranking drop if the site is unsecured, lacks an SSL certificate, or runs spammy scripts.  Websites can also take a hit (penalty) for thin content, excessive scripts and popups, and other problems. 

Monthly professional website management services tick all the boxes required to ensure your site gets a clean bill of health. Every time it is crawled by Google, Bing, and other search engines. 


Website Management Supports Business Growth 

Your website is the most important piece of your own branding, sales, and marketing collateral.  And when your website is professionally managed and optimized, it can help your business grow in four ways:

  • Increased customer leads 
  • Improved website traffic 
  • Higher customer conversion and acquisition rates 
  • Customers spend more time on your website 

The user experience (UX) of your website matters. If there are broken links, site speed problems, or other issues, your customers will be compelled to keep browsing; but on a different website.  

You only get one chance to make a first impression. Customers will arrive, stay and frequently return if they experience an easy-to-navigate, fast and engaging website.  Our professional team of admins will keep your website running like clockwork.


What Do Website Management Services Include?

All the things you know should be done for your website monthly, but you can’t find the time to do it. We know that website performance is tied to your customer traffic and domain ranking. 

While maintaining your website, there are search engine optimization (SEO) activities that happen to improve site performance.  When you give Matt Kundo Digital Marketing the responsibility for website management, your website will perform better.



We would never delete a page that Google likes! But pages and content on a website can become outdated and stop contributing to overall traffic or revenues.  Deleting irrelevant or low-value content on a website can improve site speed and UX. 



Videos are great content (and your customers love them). So are photo galleries of more than just your products.  We recommend rich media to improve the aesthetic of your site and give visitors a reason to keep exploring your products or services.  


On-Page Edits 

If your website is more than three years old, there are new design tools that can be used to improve the layout of your high-traffic pages. You may not need a new website if you can create a new vision and layout with updated schema and tags for SEO.

While we’re at it, we’ll submit redeveloped pages to Google for indexing. Regularly. And that means better search engine results and more website traffic for your business.



A website that looks good but has a weak UI (user interface) won’t provide a higher conversion rate.  Does your sitemap look streamlined and easy to navigate?  We use heat mapping to determine where visitors go and offer expert recommendations to address low-traffic pages. 


Downloadable Content

Sales funnels are a great way to generate leads from your website.  And often, that involves providing a free ebook or another resource that visitors can download.  A little bit goes a long way.  We’ll help determine if downloadable content is hurting your website performance. And provide solutions. 



The emphasis is always “more backlinks” because search engines boost websites that have a lot of inbound links.  From high DR websites only, however.  But are you checking for broken backlinks or blacklisted sites linked to your website?

Our web management team conducts regular backlink audits.  We check to see that there are no broken inbound links that can negatively affect SEO and traffic to your website. And if there are, we remove them. 


Appearance Edits

While most websites are branded to the color themes of their logo, you can have a little fun.  This can include replacing images, trying different font sizes and weights, and new design elements. 

Improve your website’s UX (user experience) by making regular appearance edits. It will help keep your site refreshed and engaging, giving customers a reason to return for more. 


eCommerce Functionality.

If you own an eCommerce store, you know how vital web management is.  Online retail stores do not have to vary the website layout (or the design of the product catalog). But there are many things you can do to make sure the shop is working correctly.  

Large eCommerce websites need in-depth analytics about the UI/UX for each prospective customer. And insights on cart abandonment, contact form submissions, and much more.  Web management services include reporting on issues (and fixes) to protect the performance of your website. And then we help you fix them. 

Database Integration

If you have a WordPress website, everything you add or save on your site is backed up to a small database within the theme.  It’s called MySQL, and it is the open-source software on which all WP websites are built. 

But sometimes businesses need to integrate the data collected on their website with other software programs and databases. Like Zoho, Zapier apps, and CRM software like and Salesforce. 

Just like plugins, the more database integrations you have, the more you have to monitor for issues. And apply fixes to ensure that everything continues running smoothly, including a lockdown on proprietary information in compliance with data privacy laws. 


Content Management System (CMS)

Give your team the tools they need to edit and refresh content.  Without the need to hardcode HTML, your creative team can independently design new landing pages, lead funnels, and more, as long as they have the right CMS available on your website. 


Responsive Design

When you visit a responsive website, you enjoy it more.  That is because the animations, font, and image variations make a website more exciting and fun to use.  But responsive design goes a little deeper than that. 

The website collateral that is responsive also resizes itself.  Pages can be designed for mobile and tablet viewing (instead of desktop alone). With a responsive design, your website will look good no matter how big (or small) the screen is. 

Ask our team at Matt Kundo Digital Marketing to share all the benefits of our professional Web Management Services.

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Matt Kundo Digital Marketing is ready to manage your website. See our Website Management Services below.

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